
电话: 信箱:




姓名: 金洪传
职称: 教授
学历: 博士
专业: 肿瘤学,分子生物学
所属院系: 邵氏医院
研究方向: 恶性肿瘤的发病机制和临床防治策略
电话: 0571-86006366
信箱: jinhc@zju.edu.cn


在国际著名刊物如Nature, PNAS, Gastroenterology、Hepatology、Gut、Oncogene 等杂志上发表研究论四十多篇。主要研究内容是细胞信号转导、表观遗传学的分子调控机制、表观遗传网络在肿瘤发生中的生物学意义及其临床应用开发等。

Gerson Lehrman Group Healthcare & Biomedical Council Member、中美肿瘤协会委员、浙江省细胞生物学会医学细胞生物学专业委员会副主任委员、浙江省抗癌协会肿瘤生物治疗专业委员会副主任委员
American Journal of Cancer Biology 资深编委、American Journal of Cancer Research 资深编委、American Journal of Translational Research 编委、World Journal of Medical Genetics 编委、Clinical Reviews and Opinions 编委、World Journal of Medical Genetics 编委

1. Jin H., Sperka T., Herrlich P. and Morrison H. Tumorigenic transformation by CPI-17 through inhibition of a merlin phosphatase.  Nature  2006;442(7102):576-9 (IF:36.1)
2. Jin H.*, Wang X.*, Ying J., Wong AH, Li H, Lee KY, Chan AT, Yeo W, Ma BB, Lung ML, Shen ZY, Xu LY, Langford C and Tao Q. Epigenetic identification of ADAMTS18 as a novel 16q23.1 tumor suppressor frequently silenced in multiple carcinomas.  Oncogene. 2007;26(53):7490-7498 (IF:7.2)  
3. Jin H., Wang X, Ying J, Wong AH, Cui Y, Shen ZY, Li EM, Zhang Q, Jin J, Kupzig S, Chan AT, Cullen PJ and Tao Q. Epigenetic silencing of a Ca(2+)-regulated Ras GTPase-activating protein RASAL defines a new mechanism of Ras activation in cancers.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2007;104(30):12353-8  (IF:9.8)
4. Cheng YY*, Jin H*, Liu X, Siu JM, Wong YP, Ng EK, Yu J, Leung WK, Sung JJ and Chan FK. Fibulin 1 (FBLN1) is downregulated through promoter hypermethylation in gastric cancer.  British J. of Cancer.  2008;99(12):2083-2087     *: 共同第一作者 (IF:4.9)
5. Liu X, Lam EK, Wang X, Zhang JB, Cheng YY, Lam YW, Ng EKO, Yu J, Chan FKL, Jin HC* and Sung JJY.  Promoter hypermethylation mediates downregulation of thiamine receptor SLC19A3 in gastric cancer. Tumor Biology 2009;242-248  *:通讯作者 (IF:2.0)
6. Wang X, Lam EK, Zhang JB, Jin HC*, Sung JJ.  MicroRNA-122a functions as a novel tumor suppressor downstream of adenomatous polyposis coli in gastrointestinal cancers Biochem Bioph Res Com 2009; 387(2):376-380   *:通讯作者 (IF:2.6)
7. Wang LJ, Jin HC*, Wang X, Lam EK, Zhang JB, Liu X, Chan FK, Si JM, Sung JJ*. ZIC1 is downregulated through promoter hypermethylation in gastric cancer.  Biochem Bioph Res Com 2009;379(4):959-63  *:通讯作者 (IF:2.6)
8. Wang X and Jin H*. The epigenetic basis of Warburg effect   Epigenetics 2010;5(7):566-568 *:通讯作者 (IF:4.7)
9. Liu X, Wang X, Zhang JB, Lam EK, Shin VY, Cheng YY, Cheng AS, Yu J, Chan FK, Sung JJ and Jin HC*. Warburg effect revisited: an epigenetic link between aerobic glycolysis and gastric carcinogenesis Oncogene 2010;29:442-450 *:通讯作者 (IF:7.2)
10. Han W, Sun J, Feng L, Wang K, Li D, Pan Q, Chen Y, Jin W, Wang X, Pan H* and Jin H*. Autophagy Inhibition Enhances Daunorubicin-induced Apoptosis in K562 cells PLoS One 2011;e028491 *: 通讯作者 (IF:4.8)
11. Feng LF, Wang X* and Jin HC*. Rabbit monoclonal antibody: potential application in cancer therapy American Journal of Translational Research 2011;3(3):269-274 *: 通讯作者
12. Han W, Pan H*, Chen Y, Sun J, Wang Y, Li J, Ge W, Feng L, Lin X, Wang XJ, Wang X, Jin H*. EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Activate Autophagy as a Cytoprotective Response in Human Lung Cancer Cells  PLoS One 2011;6(6):e18691 *:通讯作者 (IF:4.8)
13. Lam EK, Wang X*, Shin V, Zhang S, Morrison H, Sun J, Ng EK, Yu J and Jin H*. A microRNA contribution to aberrant Ras activation in gastric cancer.  American Journal of Translational Research 2011;3(2):209-218 *:通讯作者
14. Wang L, Wang X*, Wang XJ, Pan J, Lu HQ, Zhang SJ, Lin XY, Lam EK, Cui Y, Yu J and Jin HC*. Klotho is silenced through promoter hypermethylation in gastric cancer  American Journal of Cancer Research 2011;1(1):111-119 *:通讯作者
15. Zhang S, Jiang T, Feng L, Sun J, Lu H, Wang Q, Pan M, Huang D, Wang X, Wang L* and Jin H*. Yin Yang-1 suppresses differentiation of hepatocellular carcinoma cells through the downregulation of CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha      Journal of Molecular Medicine 2012 Sep;90(9):1069-77 *: 通讯作者 (IF:5.2)
16. Wang L, Chen S, Xue M, Zhong J, Wang X, Gan L, Lam E, Liu X, Zhang J, Zhou T, Yu J, Jin H* and Si J*. Homeobox D10 gene, a candidate tumor suppressor, is downregulated through promoter hypermethylation and associated with gastric carcinogenesis  Molecular Medicine 2012 May 9;18(1):389-400 *: 通讯作者 (IF:5.9)
17. Feng L, Pan M, Sun J, Lu H, Shen Q, Zhang S, Jiang T, Liu L, Jin W, Chen Y, Wang X*, Jin H*. Downregulation of p53 Up-regulated Modulator of Apoptosis by histone deacetylase 3 in gastric cancer Journal of Molecular Medicine  2012 Accepted *: 通讯作者 (IF: 5.2)

18. Ma W, Yu H, Wang Q, Bao J, Yan J, Jin H. In vitro biological activities of transmembrane superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin A fusion protein.  Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2004;53(2):118-24  (IF:4.3)
19. Ma W., Yu H., Wang Q., Jin H., and Labhasetwar V.  A Novel approach for Cancer Immunotherapy: Tumor Cells Anchored with SEA Generate Effective Antitumor Immunity. Journal of Clinical Immunology 2004;24(2):294-301 (IF:3.3)
20. Chan L., Cui Y., Hasselt A., Li, HY, Srivastava G., Jin H., Ng M, Wang Y, Lee KY, Tsao GS, Zhong S, Chan AT and Tao Q. The tumor suppressor Wnt inhibitory factor 1 (WIF1) is frequently methylated in nasopharyngeal and esophageal carcinomas     Laboratory Investigation  2007; 87(7):644-50 (IF:4.4)
21. Shin VY, Jin HC, Ng EK, Yu J, Leung WK, Cho CH and Sung JJ. Nicotine and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone induce cyclooxygenase-2 activity in human gastric cancer cells: Involvement of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and beta-adrenergic receptor signaling pathways. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2008; 233(2):254-261 (IF:3.9)
22. Yu J, Tao Q, Cheung K, Jin H, Poon FF, Wang X, Li H, Cheng YY, Roechen C, Ebert MP, Chan AT and Sung JJ. Epigenetic identification of ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1 as a functional tumor suppressor and biomarker for hepatocellular carcinoma and other digestive tumors      Hepatology 2008;48(2):508-518 (IF:10.9)
23. Ng KO, Chong W, Jin H, Lam EK, Shin V, Yu J, Poon T, Ng S, Sung JJ. Differential expression of microRNAs in plasma of colorectal cancer patients: A potential marker for colorectal cancer screening  Gut 2009;58(10):1375-81 (IF:10.6)
24. Li J, Ng EKO, Ng YP, Wong CYP, Yu J, Jin H, Cheng VYY, Go MYY, Cheung PKF, Ebert MPA, Tong J, To KF, Chan FKL, Sung JJY, Ip NY and Leung WK.  Identification of retinoic acid-regulated nuclear matrix-associated protein as a novel regulator of gastric cancer British J. of Cancer 2009;101(4):691-698 (IF:4.8)
25. Ng EK, Tsang WP, Ng SS, Jin H, Yu J, Li JJ, Rocken C, Ebert M, Kwok TT and Sung JJ. MicroRNA-143 targets DNA methyltransferases 3A in colorectal cancer. British J. of Cancer 2009; 101(4):699-706  (IF:4.8)
26. Yu J, Cheng YY, Tao Q, Cheung K, Lam C, Geng H, Tian L, Wong Y, Tong J, Ying J, Jin H, To K, Chan K, Sung J. Methylation of protocadherin 10, a novel tumor-suppressor, is associated with poor prognosis in patients with gastric cancer.  Gastroenterology 2009;136(2):640-651 (IF:12.0)
27. Huang C, Zhao J, Li Z, Li D, Xia D, Wang Q and Jin H. Multi-chaperone-peptide-rich mixture from colo-carcinoma cells elicits potent anticancer immunity Cancer Epidemiology 2010;34(4):494-500 (IF:1.2)
28. Li LL, Tao Q, Jin H, Hasselt A, Poon FF, Wang X, Zeng MS, Jia WH, Zeng YX, Chan AT and Cao Y.  The tumor suppressor UCHL1 forms a complex with p53/MDM2/ARF to promote p53 signaling, and is frequently silenced in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Clinical Cancer Research 2010;16(1):2949-58 (IF:7.3)
29. Shin VY, Jin HC, Ng EK, Sung JJ, Chu KM and Cho CH. Activation of 5-lipoxygenase is required for nicotine mediated epithelial-mesenchymal transition and tumor cell growth Cancer letters 2010; 292(2):237-45 (IF:4.9)
30. Tsang WP, Ng EKO, Ng SSM, Jin H, Yu J, Sung JJ, Kwok TT. Oncofetal H19-derived miR-675 regulates tumor suppressor RB in human colorectal cancer Carcinogenesis 2010;31(3):350-8 (IF:5.4)
31. Ng EKO, Leung C, Su S, Chan A, Wong CL, Ma ES, Jin HC and Kwong A. Quantitative analysis and diagnostic significance of methylated SLC19A3 DNA in the plasma of breast and gastric cancer patients PLoS One 2011;6(7):e22233 (IF:4.8)
32. Feng LF, Wang JT, Jin H, Qian K and Geng JG. SHKBP1 prevents EGFR degradation by the interruption of c-Cbl-CIN85 complex Cell Biochem and Function 2011;29(7):589-96 (IF:1.7)
33. Pan J, Zhong J, Gan LH, Chen SJ, Jin HC, Wang X, Wang LJ. Klotho, an anti-senescence related gene, is frequently inactivated through promoter hypermethylation in colorectal cancer Tumor Biology 2011;32(4):729-735 (IF:2.0)
34. Cheng AS, Lau SS, Chen Y, Kondo Y, Li M, Feng H, Ching A, Cheung P, Wong H, Tong J, Jin H, Choy K, Yu J, To, K, Wong N, Huang T, Sung J. EZH2-mediated concordant repression of Wnt antagonists promotes β-catenin-dependent hepatocarcinogenesis Cancer Research 2011; June 1;71(11):4028-4039 (IF:8.2)
35. Shin VY, Jin H, Ng EK, Cho C, Leung WK, Sung JJ and Chu KM. 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone promoted gastric cancer growth through E receptors (EP2 and EP4) in vivo and in vitro.  Cancer Science 2011;102(5):926-933 (IF:3.8)
36. Gan L, Chen S, Zhong J, Wang X, Lam EK, Liu X, Zhang J, Zhou T, Yu J, Si J, Wang L, Jin H. ZIC1 Is Downregulated through Promoter Hypermethylation, and Functions as a Tumor Suppressor Gene in Colorectal Cancer. PLoS One. 2011 Feb 15;6(2):e16916 (IF:4.8)
37. Shin VY, Jin H, Ng EK, Cheng AS, Chong WW, Wong CY, Leung WK, Sung JJ, Chu KM. NF-{kappa}B targets miR-16 and miR-21 in gastric cancer: involvement of prostaglandin E receptors. Carcinogenesis. 2011;32(2):240-245 (IF:5.4)
38. Xu L, Li X, Chu E, Zhao J, Go, M, Tao Q, Jin H, Zeng Z, Sung J and Yu J. Epigenetic inactivation of BCL6B, a functional tumor suppressor for gastric cancer, is associated with poor survival of gastric cancer. Gut 2012 Jul;61(7):977-85 (IF:10.6)
39. Zhao JH, Jin HC, Cheung KF, Tong JH, Zhang S, Go MY, Tian L, Kang W, Leung PP, Zeng Z, Li X, To KF, Sung JJ, Yu J. Zinc finger E-box binding factor 1 plays a central role in regulating Epstein-Barr virus latent-lytic switch and acts as a therapeutic target in EBV-associated gastric cancer. Cancer 2012;118(4):924-36 (IF:5.1)
40. Wang Y, Ding L, Wang X, Zhan J, Han W, Feng L, Sun J, Jin H and Wang XJ. Pterostilbene simultaneously induces apoptosis, cell cycle arrest and cyto-protective autophagy in breast cancer cells American Journal of Translational Research 2012;4(1):44-51
41. Wang F, Ma J, Liu J, Jin H and Huang D Synthetic small peptides acting on B7H1 enhance apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells. Mol Med Report. 2012 Sep;6(3):553-7 (IF:0.418)
42. Zhong J, Chen S, Xue M, Du Q, Cai J, Jin H, Si J, Wang L. ZIC1 modulates cell-cycle distributions and cell migration through regulation of Sonic hedgehog, PI3K and MAPK signaling pathways in gastric cancer. BMC Cancer. 2012 Jul 16;12(1):290 (IF:3.0)
43. Zhang H, Xu F, Xie T, Jin H, Shi L. β-elemene induces glioma cell apoptosis by downregulating survivin and its interaction with hepatitis B X-interacting protein.Oncol Rep. 2012 Dec;28(6):2083-90

Wang X and Jin H. The epigenetic aspect of gastric carcinoma. Gastric Carcinoma 2011 InTech
Jin H. From Inflammation to cancer: molecular basis. From Inflammation to Cancer: Advances in Diagnosis & Therapy for Gastrointestinal & Hepatological Diseases 2012 World Scientific Publishing
Jin H, Shen Q, Ma Y and Wang X. Methylated DNA as biomarkers for cancer detection Methylation In Tech 2013