
电话: 信箱:




姓名: 沈华浩
职务: 浙江大学医学院副院长,医学院附属二院呼吸内科主任
职称: 教授
学历: 博士
专业: 内科学(呼吸系病)
所属院系: 浙医二院
研究方向: 哮喘和慢性阻塞性肺疾病发病机制及防治研究、肺部感染、肺癌发生和转移机制、呼吸和抗感染药物临床药理研究
电话: 0571-88208007
信箱: huahaoshen@zju.edu.cn
个人主页: http://googlehuxi.cn



网址: www.googlehuxi.cn
一、情况介绍:浙江大学博士研究生毕业并获博士学位,曾在美国西弗吉尼亚大学、加拿大麦克玛斯特(McMaster)大学以及美国梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)从事研究及博士后培训。近十多年来先后承担了包括国家“十五”攻关、“十一五”、“十二五”支撑计划、973、863、国家自然科学基金重点项目、重点国际合作项目、重大计划项目和杰出青年科学基金在内的国家、省部级科研课题20多项,研究内容涉及哮喘、慢性阻塞性肺疾病,肺癌、肺部感染和呼吸和抗感染药物临床药理等研究。近年来主要学术成绩:一、在哮喘发病机制和防治研究中取得原创成果,包括在国际上率先阐明了嗜酸粒细胞与哮喘发病之间存在直接因果关系;在哮喘气道上皮细胞损伤、T细胞以及嗜酸性粒细胞分化等领域发现多项新机制;开展了哮喘预防和治疗新方法研究。二、在国际上发现并命名了“胸闷变异性哮喘”,完善了哮喘的临床表型和诊断体系。胸闷变异性哮喘已被写入我国高等医学院校统编教材《内科学》、权威工具书《呼吸病学》,并被2014版中国肺功能指南、2016版中国哮喘指南引证。三、在气道损伤与修复调控机制研究方面取得突破性成果,包括首次阐明了mTOR-细胞自噬通路对环境污染颗粒及内毒素诱导的气道损伤的调控机制,为相关疾病的防治提供了全新靶点;发现在基因组稳定性的维护作用机制对气道炎症和肿瘤等疾病的预防至关重要,阐明吸烟对诱导多器官DNA损伤的病理作用,并揭示在慢性炎症和癌变过程中DNA损伤和基因组不稳定性的机制,为炎癌转化的理论提供实验基础。主持2016年我国哮喘指南并参与我国多项呼吸疾病指南的修订。主编、副主编和参编书籍30余本,包括主编国内第一本《哮喘手册》(已修订第三版)。培养硕士、博士研究生及博士后近百名。以第一完成人获国家科技进步二等奖、省部级科技进步一、二等奖多次,在国内外发表学术论文280余篇,其中SCI收录论文100余篇,总影响因子超过400。其中以第一作者或通讯作者(含共同)在 NatureN Eng J MedAJRCCMAutophagyJ ImmunolJBCAllergy等发表SCI论文近80篇。
1.       嗜酸性粒细胞调控气道慢性炎症与肿瘤分子机制,国家基金委国际合作重点项目。
2.       急性肺损伤时肺部炎症信号转导通路中的关键节点,国家基金委重大计划项目。
3.       呼吸疾病基础――基因组不稳定性在大气细颗粒物导致损伤中的机制与干预研究,国家973项目。
4.       呼吸系统疾病防治研究/呼吸系统疾病临床技术转化研究,国家十二五科技支撑计划。
5.       气道慢性炎症性疾病中 HDAC2 与炎症小体调控Th17/中性粒细胞的分子机制研究,国家自然基金重点项目。
6.       呼吸疾病基础――磷酸酶SHP2信号在肺损伤和异常修复中的调控机制,国家973项目。
7.       重大新药创制,呼吸道感染性疾病新药临床评价技术平台构建,国家科技重大专项课题。
8.       慢性呼吸道疾病防治体系的建立,卫生部行业基金。
9.       哮喘发病的分子机制和干预策略研究,国家杰出青年科学基金。
1.         Zhengqijang Bao,Baoping Tian, Xiaohui Wang, Ye Liang, Zhihua Chen, Wen Li, Huahao Shen, *Songmin Ying. Oleandrin Induces DNA Damage Responses in Cancer Cells by Suppressing the expression of Rad51. Oncotarget. 2016, online.
2.          Fang Liu, Nan-Xia Xuan, Songmin Ying, Wen LI, Zhi-Hua Chen and *Huahao Shen. Herbal medicines for asthmatic inflammation: from basic researches to clinical applications. Mediators of Inflammation. 2016, online.
3.          Yue Hu, Jian Lou, Yuan-Yuan Mao, Tian-Wen Lai, Li-Yao Liu, Chen Zhu, Chao Zhang, Juan Liu, Yu-Yan Li, Fan Zhang, Wen Li, Song-Min Ying, *Zhi-Hua Chen, *Hua-Hao Shen.Activation of MTOR in pulmonary epithelium promotes LPS-induced acute lung injury. Autophagy. Accepted.
4.         Xia LX, Hua W, Jin Y, Tian BP, Qiu ZW, Zhang C, Che LQ, Zhou HB, Wu YF, Huang HQ, Lan F, Ke YH, Lee JJ, Li W, Ying SM, Chen ZH, *Shen HH.Eosinophil differentiation in the bone marrow is promoted by protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP2. Cell Death Dis. 2016 Apr 7;7:e2175. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2016.74.
5.         Zhou JS, Zhao Y, Zhou HB, Wang Y, Wu YF, Li ZY, Xuan NX, Zhang C, Hua W, Ying SM, Li W, Shen HH, *Chen ZH. Autophagy Plays an Essential Role in Cigarette Smoke-Induced Expression of MUC5AC in Airway Epithelium. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2016 Apr 1:ajplung.00418.2015. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00418.2015. [Epub ahead of print]
6.         Che LJin YZhang CLai TZhou HXia LTian BZhao YLiu JWu YWu YDu JLi WYing SChen Z,*Huahao Shen. Ozone-induced IL-17A and neutrophilic airway inflammation is orchestrated by the caspase-1-IL-1 cascade. Sci Rep. 2016 Jan 7;6:18680. doi: 10.1038/srep18680.
7.         Zhang C, Zhang LH, Wu YF, Lai TW, Wang HS, Xiao H, Che LQ, Ying SM, Li W, Chen ZH,  *Huahao Shen. Suhuang antitussive capsule attenuates airway hyperresponsiveness, inflammation, and remodeling in a murine model of chronic asthma. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 10;6:21515. doi: 10.1038/srep21515.
8.         Chao Cao, Tianwen Lai, A Miao, Hongbin Zhou, Zaichun Deng, Songmin Ying, Zhihua Chen, Wen Li, *Huahao Shen. Smoking-promoted oxidative DNA damage response is highly correlated to lung carcinogenesis. Oncotarget 2016 Mar 1. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.7810. [Epub ahead of print]
9.         Chao Cao, Wen Li, *Huahao Shen. Reduced-Nicotine Cigarettes: A Double-edged Sword (To the Editor). N Engl J Med. 2016,374(4):394-395
10.     Chao Cao , Yinfang Wu , Zhiwei Xu , Dan Lv , Chao Zhang , Tianwen Lai , Wen Li, *Huahao Shen. The effect of statins on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation and mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational research. Sci Rep. 2015 Nov 10;5:16461. doi: 10.1038/srep16461.
11.     Zhi-Hua Chen , Yin-Fang Wu, Ping-Li Wang, Yan-Ping Wu, Zhou-Yang Li, Yun Zhao, Jie-Sen Zhou, Chen Zhu, Chao Cao, Yuan-Yuan Mao, Feng Xu, Bei-Bei Wang, Stephania A Cormier, Song-Min Ying, *Wen Li, *Hua-Hao Shen. Autophagy Is Essential for Ultrafine Particle-Induced Inflammation and Mucus Hyperproduction in Airway Epithelium. Autophagy. 2016 Feb;12(2):297-311. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2015.1124224.
12.     Sheroy Minocherhomji, Songmin Ying, Victoria A. Bjerregaard, Sara Bursomanno, Aiste Aleliunaite, Wei Wu, Hocine W. Mankouri, *Huahao Shen, *Ying Liu, and *Ian D. Hickson*. Replication Stress Activates DNA Repair Synthesis in Mitosis. Nature. 2015. DOI:10.1038/Nature16139 .
13.     Zhengqiang Bao, Chao Cao, Xinwei Geng, Baoping Tian, Yanping Wu, Chao Zhang, Zhihua Chen, Wen Li, *Huahao Shen, *Songmin Ying. Effectiveness and safety of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors in cancer therapy: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Oncotarget. 2016 Feb 16;7(7):7629-39. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.5367.
14.     Xing MWang XPalmai-Pallag TShen HHelleday THickson ID, *Ying S.Acute MUS81 depletion leads to replication fork slowing and a constitutive DNA damage response. Oncotarget. 2015 Nov 10;6(35):37638-46. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.5497.
15.     Hua WLiu HXia LXTian BPHuang HQChen ZYJu ZYLi WChen ZH, *Shen HH. Rapamycin inhibition of eosinophil differentiation attenuates allergic airway inflammation in mice. Respirology. 2015 Oct;20(7):1055-65. doi: 10.1111/resp.12554. Epub 2015 Jun 4.
16.     Daxin Chen, Min Xia, Claudia Hayford, Vikki Semik, El-Li Tham, Stuart Hurst, Ying Chen, Henry H. Tam, Jun Pan, Yucheng Wang, Xiaojin Tan, Huiyao Lan, Huahao Shen, Vijay V. Kakkar, Qingbo Xu, John H. McVey and *Anthony Dorling. Expression of Human Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor on Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Inhibits Secretion of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor and Attenuates Atherosclerosis in ApoE-/- Mice. Circulation. 2015; February 12 2015 as doi:10.1161 / CIRCULAT ION AHA.114.013423v
17.     Tianwen Lai, Shaobin Wang, Zhiwei Xu, Chao Zhang, Yun Zhao, Yue Hu, Chao Cao, Songmin Ying, Zhihua Chen, Wen Li, Bin Wu, *Huahao Shen. Long-term efficacy and safety of omalizumab in patients with persistent uncontrolled allergic asthma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Scientific Reports. 2015 Aug 14;5:9548. doi: 10.1038/srep09548.
18.     Zhou H, Hua WJin Y, Zhang C, Che LXia LZhou JChen ZLi W*Shen HH. Tc17 Cells Are Associated with Cigarette Smoke-Induced Lung Inflammation and Emphysema. Respirology. 2015 Apr;20(3):426-33. doi: 10.1111/resp.12486. Epub 2015 Feb 11.
19.     Cao C, Ding Q, Lv D, Dong Z, Sun S, Chen Z, *Shen H, Deng Z. Vascular endothelial growth factor genotypes and haplotypes contribute to the susceptibility of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. PLoS One. 2014 Dec 26;9(12):e114582. doi: 10.1371/ journal. pone.0114582. eCollection 2014.
20.     Bao Z, Xiong J, Li W, Chen Z, *Shen H, *Ying S.Genomic Instability in Chronic Airway Inflammatory Diseases. Biomed J. 2014 Oct 30. doi: 10.4103/2319-4170.143478.
21.     Ying YH, Lin XP, Zhou HB, Wu YF, Yan FG, Hua W, Xia LX, Qiu ZW, Chen ZH, Li W, *Shen HH. Nuclear erythroid 2 p45-related factor-2 Nrf2 ameliorates cigarette smoking-induced mucus overproduction in airway epithelium and mouse lungs. Microbes Infect. 2014 Oct;16(10):855-63. doi: 10.1016/ j.micinf. 2014.08.014. Epub 2014 Sep 17.
22.     Tian BP, Zhou HB, Xia LX, *Shen HH, *Ying S.Balance of apoptotic cell death and survival in allergic diseases. Microbes Infect. 2014 Oct;16(10):811-21. doi: 10.1016/ j.micinf. 2014.07.004. Epub 2014 Aug 8.
23.     Hu Y, Liu J, Wu YF, Lou J, Mao YY, *Shen HH, *Chen ZH.mTOR and autophagy in regulation of acute lung injury: a review and perspective. Microbes Infect. 2014 Sep;16(9):727-34. doi: 10.1016/j.micinf.2014.07.005. Epub 2014 Jul 30.
24.     Wu Y, Cao C, Wu Y, Zhang C, Zhu C, Ying S, Chen Z, Shen H, *Li W. TNF-α-308G/A polymorphism contributes to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome risk: evidence based on 10 case-control studies. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 5;9(9): e106183. doi: 10.1371/ journal. pone. 0106183.eCollection 2014.
25.     Tian BP, Hua W, Xia LX, Jin Y, Lan F, Lee JJ, Lee NA, Li W, Ying SM, Chen ZH, *Shen HH. Exogenous Interleukin-17A Inhibits Eosinophil Differentiation and Alleviates Allergic Airway Inflammation. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2014 Sep 2. [Epub ahead of print]
26.     Wu X, Dong L, Zhang R, Ying K, *Shen H.Transgelin overexpression in lung adenocarcinoma is associated with tumor progression. Int J Mol Med. 2014 Aug;34(2):585-91. doi: 10.3892/ijmm.2014.1805. Epub 2014 Jun 16.
27.     Chen ZH, Cao JF, Zhou JS, Liu H, Che LQ, Mizumura K, Li W, Choi AM, *Shen HH.Interaction of caveolin-1 with ATG12-ATG5 system suppresses autophagy in lung epithelial cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2014 Jun 1;306(11):L1016-25.
28.     Cao C, Gu Y, Zhu C, Palmai-Pallag T, Lan F, Chen Z, Li W, *Shen H, Ying S. Potential roles of eosinophils in cancer therapy: epidemiological studies, experimental models, and clinical pathology. Recent Pat Anticancer Drug Discov. 2014 May;9(2):241-8. Review.
29.     Yan F, Li W, Zhou H, Wu Y, Ying S, Chen Z, *Shen H. Interleukin-13-induced MUC5AC expression is regulated by a PI3K-NFAT3 pathway in mouse tracheal epithelial cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2014 Mar 28;446(1):49-53. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2014.02.051. Epub 2014 Feb 26.
30.     Ochkur SI1, Protheroe CALi WColbert DCZellner KRShen HHLuster ADIrvin CGLee JJ*Lee NA.Cys-leukotrienes promote fibrosis in a mouse model of eosinophil-mediated respiratory inflammation.Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2013 Dec;49(6):1074-84. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2013-0009OC., , 
31.     Wang PYou DSaravia J*Cormier S. Maternal exposure to combustion generated PM inhibits pulmonary Th1 maturation and concomitantly enhances postnatal asthma development in offspring.Part Fibre Toxicol. 2013 Jul 16;10(1):29. [Epub ahead of print], Shen H
32.     Lai KF, Chen RLin JHuang KShen HKong LZhou XLuo ZYang LWen F*Zhong N. A prospective, multicenter survey on causes of chronic cough in China.Chest. 2013 Mar;143(3):613-20. doi: 10.1378/chest.12-0441.
33.     Xu S, Tian BP, Zhang LH, Hua W, Xia LX, Chen ZH, Li W, *Shen HH. Prevention of allergic airway hyperresponsiveness and remodeling in mice by Astragaliradix antiasthmatic decoction[J]. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 2013, 13(1): 369.
34.     Chen Z H, Wang P L, *Shen HH. Asthma research in China: A five‐year review[J].Respirology, 2013, 18(S3): 10-19.
35.     Chen ZH, *Shen HH. Moving forward: Respirology supplement on chronic airway inflammation research in China[J]. Respirology, 2013, 18(S3): 2-3.
36.     Zhou H, Wu Y, Jin Y, Zhou J, Zhang C, Che L, Jing J, Chen Z, Li W, *Shen H.Genetic Polymorphism of Matrix Metalloproteinase Family and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Susceptibility: a Meta-analysis[J]. Scientific reports, 2013, 3.
38.     Li W, Yan F, Zhou H, Lin X, Wu Y, Chen C, Zhou N, Chen Z, Li JD, *Shen H. P. aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide-induced MUC5AC and CLCA3 expression is partly through Duox1 in vitro and in vivo[J].PloS one, 2013, 8(5): e63945.
39.     Zhang G, Wang P, Qiu Z, Qin X, Lin X, Li N, Huang H, Liu H, Hua W, Chen Z, Zhao H, Li W, *Shen H. Distant lymph nodes serve as pools of Th1 cells induced by neonatal BCG vaccination for the prevention of asthma in mice.Allergy. 2013 Mar;68(3):330-8.
40.     Li W, Lan F, Yan F, *Shen H. Angiotensin-converting Enzyme I/D Polymorphism is Associated with COPD Risk in Asian Population: Evidence from a Meta-analysis[J]. COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 2013, 10(1): 35-39.
41.     Qin XJ, Zhang GS, Zhang X, Qiu ZW, Wang PL, Li YW, Li W, Xie QM, Ke YH, Lee JJ, *Shen HH. Protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP2 regulates TGF-β1 production in airway epithelia and asthmatic airway remodeling in mice. Allergy. 2012 Dec;67(12):1547-56.
42.     *Zhong NYang LChen PXiu QYao WSun TZhao ZShen HShi YLin JLi Q. Efficacy and safety of budesonide/formoterol via a dry powder inhaler in Chinese patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Curr Med Res Opin. 2012 Feb;28(2):257-65. doi: 10.1185/ 03007995. 2011. 636420. Epub 2012 Jan 20., , , Zheng JWen F
43.     Li W, Liu H, Zhou JS, Cao JF, Zhou XB, Choi AMK, *Chen ZH, *Shen HH. Caveolin-1 Inhibits Expression of Antioxidant Enzymes through Direct Interaction with Nuclear Erythroid 2 p45-related Factor–2 (Nrf2).J. Biol. Chem, 2012 Jun 15;287(25):20922-30.
44.     Li W, Huang H, Hua W, Ben S, Liu H, Xu B, Xian Q, Tang Z, *Shen H. Neonatal revaccination with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin elicits improved, early protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in mice. Vaccine, 2012 May 2;30(21):3223-30.
45.     Xu F, Chen YY, Zhou XX, LV W, *Shen HH. Sarcoidosis: Vaginal wall and vulvar involvement.The Sarcoidosis Vasculitis and Diffuse Lung Diseases,2012,Jan.
46.     Li W, Yan FG, *Shen H, *Xu H. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of trachea: a case report and review of literature. Chin Med J (Engl),2012, April. 125(12):2238-9
47.     Chen ZH, *Shen HH. You can control your asthma if appropriately managed. Indian J. Med. Res,2012,April;135(5):573-5
48.   Wang P, Zhang G, Qin X, Qiu Z, Li N, Chen Z, Li W, * Shen H. Inhibition of allergen-induced airway remodeling by neonatal bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccination is associated with interferon-gamma–producing T cells but not regulatory T cells in mice. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Available online 16 June 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.anai.2011.05.018.
49.   Tian L, Li W, Wang J, Zhang Y, Zheng Y, Qi H, Guo X, Zhang Y, Ma D, *Shen H, *Wang Y. The CKLF1-C19 peptide attenuates allergic lung inflammation by inhibiting CCR3- and CCR4-mediated chemotaxis in a mouse model of asthma. Allergy.2011, 66:287-97.
50.   Leu SW, Shi L, Xu C, Zhao Y, Liu B, Li Y, Shiedlin A, Xiang C, Shen H, Quinn DA, Hales CA, *Zhao H. TLR4 through IFN-β promotes low molecular mass hyaluronan-induced neutrophil apoptosis. J Immunol. 2011, 186(1):556-62.
1.         周阿旺,戴元荣,沈雪燕,陈志华,沈华浩。支气管哮喘气道炎症和哮喘控制与肺炎支原体感染相关性研究。中国实用内科杂志,2014348797-800
9.         陈志华,沈华浩。慢性阻塞性肺疾病激素抵抗机制。中国新药与临床杂志,201130(11): 824-829
10.     张浩,沈华浩。第一秒用力呼气容积与慢性阻塞性肺疾病。中国新药与临床杂志, 2011 30(11):835-838
11.     林晓萍,李雯,沈华浩。抗氧化应激转录因子-Nrf2的研究进展。中国病理生理杂志, 2011 27(6):1234-1239
12.     陈志华,沈华浩。支气管哮喘分子发病机制的新视点。内科理论与实践,2011, 6(2): 96-101
13.     袁志,沈华浩,张根生,应英华。早期乳酸清除率对重症慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者预后的评估。中华急诊医学杂志,201120(7):742-745
14.     王鹏,黄华琼,徐卫华,李雯,沈华浩。卵白蛋白致敏时减毒活菌卡介苗干预对哮喘小鼠气道炎性反应的影响。武警医学,201122(7):606-609
15.     程玉生,徐峰,沈华浩。蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶SHP2与呼吸系统疾病。生理科学进展,201142(5):379-381
五. 主要著作:
1.         共同主编:《Multidisciplinary Approaches to Allergies》(英文)。2011浙江大学出版社与Springer联合出版。
2.         参编:《慢性阻塞性肺疾病》,2010年,北京:科学出版社。
3.         副主编:《呼吸病学》,2011年,北京:人民卫生出版社。
4.         副主编:《呼吸与危重症医学》,2011年。北京:人民卫生出版社出版。
5.         副主编:《呼吸与危重症医学》,2012年。北京:人民卫生出版社出版。
6.         副主编:《呼吸与危重症医学》,2013年。北京:人民卫生出版社出版。
7.         副主编:《呼吸与危重症医学》,2014年。北京:人民卫生出版社出版。
8.         副主编:《呼吸与危重症医学》,2015年。北京:人民卫生出版社出版。
9.         参编:《内科学》(普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材),2011年。北京:高等教育出版社。
10.     参编:《内科疾病影像学和内镜学》,2011年。上海:上海科学技术出版社。
11.     参编:《内科学》(全国高等学校医学规划教材),2011年。北京:高等教育出版社。
12.     参编:《内科学》(全国高等学校医学规划教材),2013年。北京:人民卫生出版社。
13.     共同主编:《呼吸系统疾病》(全国高等学校医学规划教材),2015年。北京:人民卫生出版社。
14.     参编:《内科学》(全国高等学校医学规划教材),2015年。北京:人民卫生出版社。