
电话: 信箱:




姓名: 潘冬立
职称: 教授
学历: 博士
专业: 病原生物学
所属院系: 基础医学系
研究方向: 微生物学
信箱: pandonglipku@gmail.com
个人主页: http://mypage.zju.edu.cn/pdl


学历和研究经历 1997 - 2001 本科,北京大学化学专业 2001 - 2007 博士,美国宾夕法尼亚大学生物化学专业 2007 - 2008 博士后,宾夕法尼亚大学化学系 2008 - 2015 博士后,美国哈佛医学院生物化学与分子药理学系 2015 – 现在 浙江大学医学院,病原生物学教授 研究方向 1.病毒致病和潜伏的分子机制 2.病毒宿主相互作用 3.治疗病毒潜伏感染的方法 研究专长 我们主要研究单纯疱疹病毒。这种病毒引起唇疱疹、疱疹性角膜炎、生殖器疱疹、脑炎等多种疾病。可进行潜伏持续留在宿主体内。现在还没有办法治愈单纯疱疹病毒感染。我们现在进行一下几个方面的研究:1)病毒和宿主miRNA对病毒潜伏的影响,以及相关的分子机制;2)病毒蛋白对抗宿主免疫的分子机制;3)利用基因编辑工具进行病毒遗传学研究及治疗病毒潜伏感染。我们经常用的技术除了基本的分子生物学技术外,还有高通量测序、各种细胞和小鼠模型、CRISPR/Cas9等技术。我们也在和其他课题组合作,研究一些其他病毒。 学术论文 1) Raja P, Lee JS, Pan D, Pesola J, Coen DM, Knipe DM. A herpesviral lytic protein regulates the structure of latent viral chromatin. mBio 7, e00633-16 (2016) 2) Pan D, Flores O, Umbach JL, Pesola J, Peris B, Cullen BR, Coen DM. A neuron-specific host microRNA targets herpes simplex virus-1 ICP0 expression and promotes latency. Cell Host Microbe 15, 446-456 (2014) 3) Pan D, Hart IJ, Hopkins M, Kirwan R, Kaye S, Coen DM. Common and new acyclovir resistant herpes simplex virus-1 mutants causing bilateral recurrent herpetic keratitis in an immunocompetent patient. J. Infect. Dis. 209, 345-349 (2014). 4) Pan D, Coen DM. Net -1 frameshifting on a noncanonical sequence in a herpes simplex virus drug-resistant mutant is stimulated by nonstop mRNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109, 14852-14857 (2012). 5) Pan D, Coen DM. Quantification and analysis of thymidine kinase expression from acyclovir-resistant G-string insertion and deletion mutants in herpes simplex virus-infected cells. J. Virol. 86, 4518-4526 (2012). 6) Liu H, Pan D, Nierhaus K., Kitikawa M, Cooperman BS. Interrupted catalysis: The EF4 (LepA) effect on reverse translocation. J. Mol. Biol. 396, 1043-1052 (2010). 7) Pan D, Qin H, Cooperman BS. Synthesis and functional activity of tRNAs labeled with fluorescent hydrazides in the D-Loop. RNA 15, 346-354 (2009). 8) Pan D, Zhang CM, Kirillov S, Hou, YM, Cooperman BS. Perturbation of the tRNA tertiary core differentially affects specific steps of the elongation cycle. J. Biol. Chem. 283, 18431-18440 (2008). 9) Walker SE, Shoji S, Pan D, Cooperman BS, Fredrick K. Role of hybrid tRNA-binding states in ribosomal translocation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105, 9192-9197(2008). 10) Zhang CM, Liu C, Christian T, Gamper H., Rozenski J, Pan D, Randolph JB, Wickstrom E, Cooperman BS, Hou YM. Pyrrolo-C as a molecular probe for monitoring conformations of the tRNA 3’ end. RNA 14, 2245-2253 (2008). 11) Mandecki W, Bharill S, Borejdo J, Cabral D, Cooperman BS, Farrell I, Fetter L, Goldman E, Gryczynski Z, Jakubowski H, Liu H, Luchowski R, Matveeva E, Pan D, Qin H, Tennant D, Gryczynski I. Fluorescence enhancement on silver nanostructures: studies of components of ribosomal translation in vitro. Proc. SPIE 6862, 68620T (2008). 12) Pan D, Kirillov S, Cooperman BS Kinetically competent intermediates in the translocation step of protein synthesis. Mol. Cell 25, 519-529 (2007). 13) Grigoriadou C, Marzi S, Pan D, Kirillov S, Gualerzi CO, Cooperman BS. The translation fidelity function of IF3 during transition from the 30S initiation complex to the 70S initiation complex. J. Mol. Biol. 373, 551-561(2007). 14) Wang Y, Qin H, Kudaravalli RD, Kirillov SV, Dempsey GT, Pan D, Cooperman BS, Goldman YE, Single molecule structural dynamics of EF-G.Ribosome interaction during translocation. Biochemistry 46, 10767-10775 (2007). 15) Pan D, Kirillov S, Zhang CM, Hou YM, Cooperman BS. Rapid ribosomal translocation depends on the conserved 18-55 base pair in P-site transfer RNA. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 13, 354-359 (2006). 16) Seo HS, Kiel M, Pan D, Raj VS, Kaji A, Cooperman BS. Kinetics and thermodynamics of RRF, EF-G, and thiostrepton interaction on the Escherichia coli ribosome. Biochemistry 43,12728-12740 (2004).