
电话: 信箱:




姓名: 孙秉贵
职务: 研究组长
职称: 教授
学历: 博士
专业: 神经生物学
所属院系: 基础医学系
研究方向: 神经退行性疾病及神经干细胞
电话: 0571-88981753
信箱: bsun@zju.edu.cn
个人主页: http://mypage.zju.edu.cn/sunbg


2010 - 浙江大学医学院神经科学研究所,教授
2005 - 2010 加州大学旧金山分校,博士后
2002 - 2005 理学博士,埼玉大学,日本
1997 - 2002 中国农业大学,助教、讲师
1994 - 1997 理学硕士 , 中国农业大学
1990 - 1994 学士,河北农业大学


1. Martens LH, Zhang J, Barmada SJ, Zhou P, Kamiya S, Sun B, Min SW, Gan L, Finkbeiner S, Huang EJ, Farese RV Jr. Progranulin deficiency promotes neuroinflammation and neuron loss following toxin-induced injury. J Clin Invest. 2012, 122(11):3955 -3959.

2. Wang C*, Sun B*, Zhou Y, Grubb A, Gan L. Cathepsin B degrades amyloid-β in mice expressing wildtype human amyloid precursor protein. J Biol Chem. 2012, 287(47):39834-39841. *Equal contribution

3. Minami SS, Sun B, Popat K, Kauppinen T, Pleiss M, Zhou Y, Ward ME, Floreanig P, Mucke l, Desai T, Gan L. Selective targeting of microglia by quantum dots. J Neuroinflammation 2012, 9(1):22.

4. Cho SH, Sun B, Zhou Y, Kauppinen TM, Halabisky B, Wes P, Ransohoff RM, Gan L. CX3CR1 protein signaling modulates microglial activation and protects against plaque-independent cognitive deficits in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease. J Biol Chem 2011, 286: 32713-32722.

5. Cisse M, Halabisky B, Harris J, Devidze N, Dubal D, Sun B, Orr A, Lotz G, Kim D, Hamto T, Ho K, Yu G, Mucke L. Reversing EphB2 depletion rescues cognitive functions in Alzheimer model. Nature 2011, 469: 47-52 (Article).

6. Sun B*, Halabisky B*, Zhou Y, Yu G-Q, Mucke L, Gan L. Imbalance between GABAergic and Glutamatergic Transmission Impairs Adult Neurogenesis in an Animal Model of Alzheimer's Disease. Cell Stem Cell 2009, 5: 624-633 (cover story). *Equal contribution

7. Sun B*#, Mochiduki A*, Kimie Nakamura, Yokoyama K, Adachi S, Fujiwara K, Matsumoto H,Inoue K. Blockade of PrRP attenuates MPTP-induced toxicity in mice. Peptides 2009, 30:1267-1275. * Co-first author, #Corresponding author

8. Sun B, Zhou Y, Halabisky B, Lo I, Cho S, Mueller-Steiner S, Devidze N, Wang X, Grubb A, Gan L. Cystatin C-cathepsin B axis regulates amyloid beta levels and associated neuronal deficits in an animal model of Alzheimer's disease. Neuron 2008, 60:247–257.

9. Mueller-Steiner S, Zhou Y, Arai H, Roberson ED, Sun B, Chen J, Wang X, Yu G, Esposito L, Mucke L, Gan L. Antiamyloidogenic and neuroprotective functions of cathepsin B: implications for Alzheimer's disease. Neuron 2006, 51: 703-714.

10. Sun B, Gan L. Manipulation of gene expression in the central nervous system with lentiviral vectors. Methods Mol Biol 2011, 670:155-168