电话: 信箱:
周煜东博士为浙江大学医学部基础医学系教授和博士生导师,卫生部医学神经生物学重点实验室PI。2003年毕业于美国塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)并获博士学位。2003至2006年在美国波士顿大学(Boston University)担任助理研究员;2006至2010年在美国哈佛大学医学院进行博士后研究;2010至2011年任美国哈佛大学医学院病理系讲师。受邀担任Human Molecular Genetics、Trends in Neuroscience等著名学术期刊的论文评委。在神经和代谢疾病的病理研究领域做出了大量具有原创性的工作,尤其在遗传性癫痫、自闭症以及肥胖症的病理和修复的研究方面处于国际前列,得到了同行的广泛认可。在Science、Nature Medicine、PNAS、Science Translational Medicine等具有重大影响力的杂志上发表系列研究论文,研究成果被Nature Medicine、Lancet Neurology、Current Opinion in Neurobiology、Faculty of 1000等著名期刊媒体推荐评论。
1. Yu-Dong Zhou, Dawei Zhang, Ekim Ozkaynak, Xuan Wang, Ekkehard M. Kasper, Eric Leguern, Stéphanie Baulac, Matthew P. Anderson. Epilepsy gene LGI1 regulates postnatal developmental remodeling of retinogeniculate synapses. Journal of Neuroscience, 2012, 32: 903-910.
2. Artur Czupryn*, Yu-Dong Zhou*, Xi Chen*, David McNay, Matthew P. Anderson, Jeffrey S. Flier, Jeffrey D. Macklis. Transplanted Hypothalamic Neurons Restore Leptin Signaling and Ameliorate Obesity in db/db Mice. Science, 2011, 334: 1133-1137. (*: equal contribution).
3. Stephen E.P. Smith, Yu-Dong Zhou, Guangping Zhang, Zhe Jin, David C. Stoppel, Matthew P. Anderson. Increased Gene Dosage of Ube3a Results in Autism Traits and Decreased Glutamate Synaptic Transmission in Mice, Science Translational Medicine, 2011,3: 103ra97.
Comment in Simons Foundation: http://sfari.org/news-and-opinion/news/2011/two-new-autism-mouse-models-highlight-gene-dosage-effects
News in Science: http://www.aaas.org/news/releases/2011/1005sp_mouse_autism.shtml?sa_campaign=Internal_Ads/AAAS/RSS_News/2011-10-05/
4. Yu-Dong Zhou, Sanghoon Lee, Zhe Jin, Moriah Wright, Stephen E.P. Smith, Matthew P. Anderson. Arrested maturation of excitatory synapses in autosomal dominant lateral temporal lobe epilepsy, Nature Medicine, 2009, 15: 1208–1214.
Comment in: Nature Medicine 15: 1126–1127, 2009.
News in brief: Lancet Neurology 8: 888, 2009.
5. Tara Keck, Kyle P. Lillis, Yu-Dong Zhou, John A. White. Frequency-dependent Glycinergic inhibition modulates plasticity in hippocampus, Journal of Neuroscience, 2008, 28: 7359–7369.
6. Yu-Dong Zhou, Corey D. Acker, Theoden I. Netoff, Kamal Sen, John A. White. Increasing Ca2+ transients by broadening postsynaptic action potentials enhances timing-dependent synaptic depression, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2005, 102: 19121-19125.
Recommended by Faculty of 1000, 2006.
7. Zhou YD, Turner TJ and Dunlap K. Enhanced G protein-dependent modulation of excitatory synaptic transmission in cerebellum of the Ca2+ channel mutant mouse, tottering. Journal of Physiology, 2003, 547: 497-507.
Comment in: Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2005, 15: 257-265, of special interest.
8. Tsen G, Williams B, Allaire P, Zhou YD, Ikonomov O, Kondova I and Jacob MH. Receptor with opposing functions are in postsynaptic microdomains under one presynaptic terminal. Nature Neuroscience, 2000, 3: 126-132.