
电话: 信箱:




姓名: 唐兰芳
职务: 呼吸科副主任
职称: 主任医师
学历: 博士
专业: 儿科学
所属院系: 儿童医院
研究方向: 儿科学(呼吸)
电话: 87061007-70311
信箱: tlf119100@sina.com.cn


医学博士,主任医师,硕导,浙江省151工程培养人才,省重点学科成员。长期从事儿童临床和科研工作,对儿童呼吸和感染性疾病对有较深入的研究。近年主持或参与课题包括国家自然科学基金在内10余项课题,研究结果已发表论文40余篇,其中SCI收录20余篇。现兼任中华医学会浙江省医学会感染学组委员、浙江省医师协会感染分会委员,是CMAJ、BJGP、J Pediatr Children Health、Lung和Indian J Pediatr等国际期刊的审稿专家。
1. 近年发表的SCI论文
[1] Zou CC, Zhao ZY, Tang LF, et al. The effects of lead on brainstem auditory evoked potentials in children. Chin Med J 2003; 116(4):565-8.
[2] Tang LF, et al. Extracellular matrix remodeling in children with airway foreign-body aspiration. Pediatr Pulmonol 2004; 38(2):140-5.
[3] Tang LF, et al. Levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and its inhibitor in guinea pig asthma model following ovalbumin challenge. Fetal Pediatr Pathol 2005; 24(2):81-7.
[4] Tang LF, et al. Primary intratracheal neurilemmoma in children: case report and literature review. Pediatr Pulmnol 2005; 40(6): 550-3.
[5] Zou CC, Zhao ZY, Tang LF, et al. Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in Henoch-Schönlein purpura. Scand J Rheumatol 2006; 35(1):52-5.
[6] Tang LF, et al. Levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and its inhibitor in bronchoalveolar lavage cells of asthmatic children. Fetal Pediatr Pathol 2006; 25(1):1-7.
[7] Tang FL, et al. Fibrobronchoscopic treatment of foreign body aspiration in children: an experience of 5 years in Hangzhou City, China. J Pediatr Surg. 2006; 41(1):e1-5.
[8] Zou CC, Yu ZS, Tang LF, et al. Primary abdominal lymphonudular cryptococcosis in children: two cases report and literature review. J Pediatr Surg 2006; 41(3):e11-5.
[9] Wei ZG, Tang LF(通讯), et al. Childhood undifferentiated embryonal liver sarcoma: clinical features and immunohistochemistry analysis. J Pediatr Surg 2008; 43(10):1912-9.
[10] Yu ZS, Tang LF (通讯), et al. Cytomegalovirus associated idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in Chinese children. Scand J Infect Dis 2008; 40(11-12):922-7.
[11] Tang LF, et al. Viral pathogens of acute lower respiratory tract infection in children: an experiment of 5 years in Hangzhou, China. Indian Pediatr 2008; 45(12):971-5.
[12] Min Hua Y, Fang W, Lan Fang T. Human pentastomiasis in China: case report and literature review. J Parasitol 2008; 94(6):1295-8.
[13] Tang LF, et al. The change of asthma-associated immunological parameters in children with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. J Asthma 2009; 46(3):265-9.
[14] Tang LF, et al. Airway foreign body removal by flexible bronchoscopy: experience with 1027 children during 2000-2008. World J Pediatr 2009; 5(3):191-5.
[15] Shi YC, Tang LF(通讯), et al. Pleuropulmonary blastoma in infant. Indian J Pediatr 2009; 76(9):948-9.
[16] Tang LF, et al. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy in neonatal and pediatric Intensive care units: a 5-year experience. Med Prin Pract 2009; 18(4):305-9.
[17] Tang LF, et al. Matrix metalloproteinase-9 and its inhibitor in idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis. Indian J Pediatr 2010 May; 77(5):581-2.
[18] Huang XY, Tang LF (通讯作者), et al. Chromosome analysis in 8158 pediatric patients: an experiment of 29 years from Hangzhou, China. Endocrinologist 2010; 20(4): 179-181.
[19] Wang CF, Tang LF (唐兰芳), et al. Application of flexible bronchoscopy in the aetiological diagnosis of childhood refractory wheezing. HK J Paediatr (new series) 2011; 16(3):164-168.
[20] Xu YC, Zhu LJ, Xu D, Tao XF, Li SX, Tang LF, et al. Epidemiological characteristics and meteorological factors of childhood Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in Hangzhou. World J Pediatr. 2011 Aug; 7(3):240-4.

2. 主持和参与的课题
[1] 省卫生厅《铅对儿童视觉和听觉诱发电位的影响》,编号2003B103,2003-2006
[2] 省卫生厅《聚维酮碘消毒对新生儿甲状腺功能的影响》,编号2003B099,2003-2005
[3] 省科技厅《小儿非典型病原下呼吸道感染流行学调查及诊断方法的应用研究》,编号2004C33046,2004-2007
[4] 省教育厅《重组人超氧化物歧化酶联合NO治疗急性肺损伤的机制研究》,编号20030304,2003-2005
[5] 省教育厅《Sonic Hedgehog(Shh)信号通道在哮喘发病中的作用》,编号20051093,2005-2007
[6] 省卫生厅《高氧下肺部细胞Sonic Hedgehog信号分子的表达》,编号2006B091,2006-2008
[7] 国家自然基金《红细胞SNO-Hb/Hb[FeNO]平衡对胎粪性肺损伤和肺动脉高压的调控》,编号30672265,2007-2009
[8] 省教育厅《不同亚型肺炎支原体感染与儿童哮喘的相关性研究》,编号Y200804505,2008-2010
[9] 省卫生厅《哮喘儿童血清和支气管肺泡灌洗液中嗜酸粒细胞趋化因子、内脂素和脂联素水平变化》,编号2009B098,2009-2011
[10] 国家自然科学基金《Sonic Hedgehog信号通路在哮喘气道重塑中的作用及机制》,编号81070008,10万,2011.1-2013.12
[11] 浙江省自然科学基金《Shh信号通路在哮喘气道重塑中的作用及相关机制的研究》,编号Y2100337,2010.6-2013.6

3. 获奖情况
[1] 支气管哮喘患者亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶基因的多态性研究. 中华结核和呼吸杂志2003.26 (3):161-164.被评为2001-2002(12届)浙江省自然科学优秀论文三等奖
[2]. 陈志敏,王财富,鲍兴儿,唐兰芳,刘金玲,等. 《小儿纤维支气管镜在婴儿呼吸道疾病诊断治疗中的应用研究》获2007年浙江省医药卫生科技创新奖二等奖和省科技进步奖三等奖